
Kyle Pirtle


Kyle Pirtle other details
  • Looking For:
    Marriage, Long-term / Serious relationship
  • Marital Status:
  • Religion:
  • Ethnicity:
    Caucasian / White
  • Height:
    6ft 1in, (185cm)
  • Body Type:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
    Not Stated
  • Smoker:
  • Education:
    Bachelor's / 4-Year Degree
  • Occupation:
    Technical / Science / Engineering
  • Have Children:
  • Want (more) Kids:
  • How Important Is Location To Me?:
    Not at all / Willing to relocate
  • Annual Income:
  • Languages:
    English, Spanish
  • How Active Are You In Bahá'í Activities?:
    Please ask me
  • Have Pets:
    Yes, I have one pet
  • My Match:
    Someone who believes in God, wants to get married, and have a family.
  • About Me:
    It is upon courage that all the other virtues lie. "Chant the Words of God and, pondering over their meaning, transform them into actions!" Farmer, Horseman, IT professional. Truly single. Not here to waste your time. Respectful, gentleman. I have a fun personality, but I am serious in my intentions. I had wonderful examples and teachers in my parents and grandparents. I’m very outgoing and fit. I love to participate rock climbing and mountain bike racing, because both sports require strength and concentration. I want to start a family with you.
  • My Interests: