
Sophia Williams


Sophia Williams other details
  • Looking For:
    Dating, Marriage
  • Marital Status:
  • Religion:
  • Ethnicity:
    Caucasian / White
  • Height:
    5ft 7in,(170cm)
  • Body Type:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Smoker:
  • Education:
    High School
  • Occupation:
    Political / Civil Service / Govt
  • Have Children:
  • Want (more) Kids:
  • How Important Is Location To Me?:
    Not at all / Willing to relocate
  • Annual Income:
  • Languages:
    English, German
  • How Active Are You In Bahá'í Activities?:
    Very Active
  • Have Pets:
  • My Match:
    I am looking for a serious relationship that will end up in marriage to form a family. Just trying to find that man that can be my best friend. I dream of falling in love with that special man. Someon
  • About Me:
    I am a honest woman, well educated, family oriented, down to earth, sensitive, generous, helpful, calm, and very sweet with understanding I am ready to establish a serious and long term relationship with the right man and I know It can be a loving, caring, sweet, responsible, romantic, faithful and I love to express my feelings. I am fully ready and committed to begin a serious relationship. In my relationship I love even the small things between a man and a woman, sharing thoughts together, good and bad moments of life, and also the intimacy, grocery shopping and preparing food together, visiting family and friends as a couple, planning a future together and much more.
  • My Interests:
    I love boats and being out on the water, love motorbikes, and work for a dealership, love motor sports and the NFL, I am a Vikings fan,but open to dating fans of other teams, Wink i am a big fan of books and have a large collection, same goes for music and movies.