
Saba Mansouri


Saba Mansouri other details
  • Looking For:
  • Marital Status:
  • Religion:
  • Ethnicity:
    Mixed Race
  • Height:
    5ft 4in, (163cm)
  • Body Type:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Smoker:
  • Education:
    Graduate / Masters Degree
  • Occupation:
    Artistic / Musical / Writer
  • Have Children:
    Yes, they live away from home
  • Want (more) Kids:
    No, happy with what I have
  • How Important Is Location To Me?:
    Not at all / Willing to relocate
  • Annual Income:
  • Languages:
    Italian, English, Farsi, French
  • How Active Are You In Bahá'í Activities?:
    Very Active
  • Have Pets:
  • About Me:
    "In truth the way matters but little; the will to arrive suffices." (Albert Camus) Is it possible to hold sacrosanct truth, beauty, order and organization AND relish the chaos it takes to get there? This world traveling, mystic knowing storyteller beckons you to inquire. An instructional designer and producer, I have a keen interest in storytelling. I investigate intellectual reality dissecting a world of books and academic minds but I have found time and again that unscripted travel and extemporaneous conversation impact my views more meaningfully. Indispensable - travel and communication - across borders discipline my study of the world. Seeing through the eyes and art of locals helps find common ground with strangers, challenges my perceptions, changes my perceptions, and inspires unique stories to share. I reside in London six months a year and travel extensively (since May 2022 to over 23 countries) in pursuit of my passion art-related projects. My two beautiful children live with my great friend/ex-husband (who is soon to be married). I am protean, guided by eternal ethical principles and laws and devoted to the Cause of Baha'u'llah and His institutions.
  • My Interests:
    In my free time, I find ways to engage in meaningful conversations anywhere and everywhere; create/collaborate art events; attend/present at international conferences and local/regional gatherings on ethics/social impact/spirituality; go on city walking tours; visit museums/galleries/international art fairs; host presentations/gourmet dinners; enjoy fitness, going to parks and hiking.